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  • Tabbee, un nouveau...truc ?

    Orange Vallée vient de sortir la Tabbee, une nouvelle tablette ...tactile, reliée à la LiveBox (ou en 3G) et donc à tout un tas de services Internet. On peut notamment y lire ses journaux en ligne, et donc pourquoi pas bientôt des ebooks ? 249 € ça reste accessible. Mais sortie très confidentielle, pourquoi ?

    Lien permanent Catégories : Solutions informatiques, Usages, Web 1 commentaire Pin it!
  • Carte Web Trend 4

    La carte Web Trend Map 4 est télechargeable chez Information Architect


    Lien permanent Catégories : Architecture, Web 0 commentaire Pin it!
  • Mon libraire ? Google

    A lire :

    • Google devient libraire, chez Bibliofusion.
    • Kindle competition heats up as Google floats e-books plans sur Ars Technica. (extrait : "Google is apparently offering to allow publishers to set the prices, and the content will be accessible from anything that has an Internet connection; cached material will allow offline reading. Google already has made scanned books available for the Sony Reader, for example. Although this program will be managed separately from the content handled by the book settlement, there's no reason that Google wouldn't present the two classes of content through a similar interface")
    • Preparing to sell ebooks, Google takes on Amazon sur le site du New York Times. (Extraits : "In discussions with publishers at the annual BookExpo convention in New York over the weekend, Google signaled its intent to introduce a program by that would enable publishers to sell digital versions of their newest books direct to consumers through Google" ... "Mr. Turvey said Google’s program would allow consumers to read books on any device with Internet access, including mobile phones, rather than being limited to dedicated reading devices like the Amazon Kindle. “We don’t believe that having a silo or a proprietary system is the way that e-books will go,” he said.")
    Lien permanent Catégories : Diffusion de l'info, Ebook, Livre 0 commentaire Pin it!
  • Linked data et bibliothèques

    Présentation très claire de Dan Chudnov de la Library of Congress. (Blog : One Big Library)

    Lien permanent Catégories : Web sémantique 0 commentaire Pin it!
  • Méfiez vous des livres

    Lien permanent Catégories : Perso 0 commentaire Pin it!