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Le site web du futur

A lire "The library Web Site of the Future" article du Inside Higher Ed qui s'interroge sur la valeur ajoutée que doit apporter un site ou portail de bibliothèque ou de centre de documentation, notamment pour ceux et celles d'entre-nous qui travaillent dans l'enseignement supérieur.

"Academic librarians want their Web sites to attract faculty and students the way flowers invite insects for a visit." Rien que cette première phrase vaut la peine de le lire !!! A lire aussi les commentaires en bas de l'article, surtout celui du Dr Pepper.

L'article fait également référence à ce rapport très intéressant "Ithakas 2006 studies of Key Stakeholders in the Digital Transformation in Higher
Education" d'aout 2008.

Quelques extraits de la conclusion :  "More generally, in our modern information age, many of the historical patterns of scholarship and
scholarly communication are shifting rapidly; this will require strategic change on the part of the institution as a whole in order to keep up. (...) A collaborative approach, harnessing the expertise of many different campus constituencies – librarians, technologists, administrators, and more – may enable exciting new opportunities and growth. (...) As we move further into the digital age, questions of campus information strategy must receive serious consideration from a variety of different players; care must be given to ensure that we develop a future in which scholarship, teaching, and learning are effectively supported, and in which important scholarly values are not lost

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