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ça déménage...

Cette semaine déménagement au programme...je ne reviendrai sur Klog qu'une fois reconnectée. Espérons que ce sera vite fait !! En attendant de vous retrouver, et parce que je sais qu'il y a des fans sur ce blog voici les histoires de Conan Le Bibliothécaire.

Et parce que c'est Dimanche, une petite blague : A chicken walks into the library. It goes up to the circulation desk and says: "book, bok, bok, boook". The librarian hands the chicken a book. It tucks it under his wing and runs out. A while later, the chicken runs back in, throws the first book into the return bin and goes back to the librarian saying: "book, bok, bok, bok, boook". Again the librarian gives it a book, and the chicken runs out. The librarian shakes her head. Within a few minutes, the chicken is back, returns the book and starts all over again: "boook, book, bok bok boook". The librarian gives him yet a third book, but this time as the chicken is running out the door, she follows it. The chicken runs down the street, through the park and down to the riverbank. There, sitting on a lily pad is a big, green frog. The chicken holds up the book and shows it to the frog, saying: "Book, bok, bok, boook". The frog blinks, and croaks: "read-it, read-it, read-it".

A très bientôt !

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  • C'est mignon comme histoire :)

    Bon déménagement. Les mêmes épreuves m'attendent d'ici quelques semaines ^^


  • super marrant !

    de mon côté on attend de pouvoir déménager :(

    bon courage !

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