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10 ans

A lire sur Ars Technica cette compilation de trois contributions à l'anniversaire de Google. La deuxième notamment signée de Jon Stokes, est fort intéressante. Un extrait pour vous allécher :

Ultimately, the key difference between Google's index and the Index that was Yahoo! was this: Yahoo!'s (user-facing) index was a human-invented topic hierarchy that was imposed on the archive from without, exactly like the Dewey Decimal System that was its immediate precursor; in contrast, the semantic or topical structure of Google's (machine-facing) index reflected only the relationships that the search algorithms found in the archive, with the result that the index's structure was (usefully) a direct expression and artifact of the data at any given moment. Importantly, that structure was never visible to the user—and it wouldn't have been useful if it was—but it was accessible via the simple search box.


Merci Pierrick !...pour tout...

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